Friday 2 October 2015

29 Random Facts about ME

Hello guys,

I have a different post for you all today, i hope you like it. So i have been blogging a short while, but i feel it is important that you guys get to know me more, and because lets face it who doesn't like to be nosy.

So today i am going to be sharing with you 29 random, fun and interesting facts about me. Apologies for the lack of posts this week, i am going to stick to two posts a week from now on,  because my life is really busy and i want to be able to produce high quality, interesting content for you guys, if i can manage to post more then i will.

So lets just get straight into it.. (In no particular order)

1. I am 19 years old

2. I am in the second year of my degree, I'm studying Management. (I'm really enjoying it, its hard work but so rewarding)

3. I absolutely love to learn new things

4. I am absolutely terrified of spiders

5. I am really enjoying blogging ;)

6. I practise Yoga two times a week. I find it great to calm the mind and for flexibility.

7. I was raised in  Hampshire

8. I love pink and nude lipsticks most!

9. I believe in the "Paranormal".

10. Winter is one of my favourite times of year

11. I love to cook

12. I am obsessed with fashion and love trying new products

13. I am sometimes unconventional and like to surprise people

14. I have been obsessed with Chanel and Christian Louboutin shoes ever since i first discovered them

15. I'm an entrepreneur

16. I love to create

17. I believe everything happens for a reason

18. I have a siberian husky and a GSD/Malamute cross

19. I walk everyday

20. I have green tea every night before bed, i find it calming

21. I always have a candle burning

22. I read the news everyday online

23. I have always loved beauty and nails

24. I love a good movie

25. I don't feel complete without my nails done

26. Next home is just amazing in my opinion

27. Lush baths are amazing, i cannot live without them!

28. I write everyday (for my essays)

29. I am loving blogging!

I hope you enjoyed today's post, its something different and i hope that you now know something fun about me.

I would love to know something about you guys, leave me a comment below telling me something about you!

Have a great day,

GeorgiaBlue xx

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